merchant banking

美 [ˌmɜːrtʃənt ˈbæŋkɪŋ]英 [ˌmɜːtʃənt ˈbæŋkɪŋ]
  • 商业银行业务;商人银行业务
merchant bankingmerchant banking
  1. a typical City merchant banking yahoo .


  2. With the development and innovation of financial services , merchant banking products involved margin show remarkable growth both in size and types .


  3. Fanshaw is a big shot in merchant banking .


  4. The securities being sold appear to be LP interests in DLJ merchant banking partners IV , a $ 2.1 billion private equity fund raised in 2008 .


  5. There is renewed demand for old-style merchant banking which is focused on providing skills , ideas and a network of relationships , said Victor Chu , chairman of First Eastern .


  6. I doubt whether Sir Brian Pitman , who kept Lloyds away from merchant banking because the rewards were insufficient to make up for the risks , would approve .


  7. The principal activities of the bank are those relating to merchant banking , mobilising of financial resources in order to finance projects and assist in promoting industrialisation and overall economic development in the ASEAN region .


  8. With the change of financial market environment , innovation of merchant banking , diversification of markets participants and transaction , and development of credit derivatives , the concept and intention of credit risk are widened and strengthened .


  9. The sales of Lehman 's merchant banking and venture funds are further along than the sale of its estimated $ 3.5bn in real estate funds , which are more complex and international in nature , one person close to the matter said .


  10. With that taken care of , Lehman is now in the market to unlock another layer of funds to repay creditors by selling selected pieces of its private equity business , including its US and European merchant banking , venture capital and real estate funds .
